Three Things To Consider When Starting a Business

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Mitigate the risk of early failure by considering these three factors.

Starting a business is both thrilling and intimidating. As you gear up to launch your own startup, it's crucial to approach the initial stages with thoughtful consideration and strategic planning. In addition to the excitement, it's essential to be prudent with financial decisions. Here are three major considerations to keep in mind as you embark on this journey:

Differentiating Personal and Business Finance:

Startup founders should be clear on the segregation of personal and business finances. You need to keep it separate to maintain clarity and transparency. This means having distinct bank accounts, credit cards, and accounting systems for your personal and business use. For business finances, you should record all business-related expenses, including office rent, utilities, marketing costs, and supplies, and have receipts, invoices, bank statements, and tax documents in place. This documentation is crucial for the accounting, tax compliance, and financial planning purposes of your startup. You should also ensure that income generated from the startup is deposited into the business account and not mixed with your funds. This definitely helps you accurately track business revenue and profitability.

Ps. Implementing accounting software that allows you to categorize transactions simplifies differentiation between personal and business expenses, ensuring accurate financial records.

Cash Flow Management:

Startup founders should develop cash flow projections to anticipate when cash will come in and go out of the business. This allows you to proactively manage cash reserves and ensures that your business can meet its financial obligations. If you have taken on debt, such as loans or lines of credit, you should make regular payments to avoid default and minimize interest expenses, along with evaluating the cost and benefits of different debt options, and considering refinancing if it can lead to cost savings. And, if you are taking investments from PEVCs, you should evaluate investment opportunities carefully and consider their potential impact on cash flow, determining whether investments will generate sufficient returns to justify the expenditure and assess the risk associated with each investment.

Ps. It is always good to have an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses or temporary cash flow shortages. This provides you a buffer during challenging times and reduces the need for debt or external financing.


Startup founders should develop a comprehensive budget that includes both fixed and variable expenses, as well as revenue projections. It is better to allocate resources based on priorities and expected outcomes. You should monitor actual financial performance against the budget regularly. It helps you identify any discrepancies or deviations early on and take corrective actions as needed. Also, timely and accurate financial reports, such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, should be generated to analyze and gain insights into the financial health of the business and identify areas for improvement.

Ps. Flexibility is key to maintaining financial stability and achieving long-term goals, so keeping some room to adjust the budget as necessary based on changing circumstances, such as unexpected expenses, revenue fluctuations, or shifts in market conditions, is beneficial.

In conclusion, for startups seeking a comprehensive and user-friendly accounting solution, Tigg could be a promising choice. Tailored specifically for the needs of budding businesses, Tigg offers a cloud-based platform that streamlines accounting processes, making it both accessible and efficient. With its intuitive interface and straightforward design, Tigg ensures ease of use and understanding, even for those with limited accounting expertise. Moreover, Tigg covers all essential accounting aspects, providing startups with the tools you need to manage finances effectively. From tracking expenses to generating financial reports, Tigg simplifies every aspect of accounting, empowering you to focus on growth and innovation.

In essence, Tigg emerges as more than just a solution—it's a partner in your journey of startup success, offering reliability, convenience, and peace of mind.

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